Unique and for everyone.


Laughter Yoga is a unique concept, and anyone can take part. First of all, there is no need for humour or jokes and you don’t need to feel happy. Happiness depends on happenings, whereas real joy is a feeling and emotion of contentment and wellbeing.

Often when I tell people that I am a Laughter Yoga Practitioner they feel the need to explain that they are always laughing and even recount examples of how they were at an event or with friends etc and they just couldn’t stop laughing. Whilst, I hope we can all recall such times, the practice of Laughter Yoga is uniquely different. As mentioned above, humour and jokes are not required. Instead, we simply just laugh for no reason.

Based on scientific evidence that the body cannot differentiate between real and simulated laughter, we can gain all the benefits that laughing brings. In Laughter Yoga, the laughter soon becomes real as we move around, make eye contact and have a willingness to participate in simple playful exercises. The Yoga element is based around deep breathing exercises and grounding and relaxation techniques.

Research and Evidence.

We will be adding to this section shortly

The benefits

Personal: Laughter Yoga changes your mood as endorphins are released and helps you feel good throughout the whole day

Health: Laughter Yoga lowers stress and strengthens your immune system

Business: Laughter Yoga increases oxygen supply to your body and brain leading to more energy, alertness and motivation

Social: Laughter Yoga helps you to connect with others forging new relationships, improving existing relationships and creating caring, sharing communities.

Resilience: Laughter Yoga increases positivity and helps when dealing with challenges and makes you more resourceful. 

How to obtain the benefits

To get the full benefits from laughter, it needs to:

  • be extended to 10 - 15 minutes

  • come from the belly using the diaphragm, making it deep and hearty

  • practiced daily.


Get Involved. Experience Laughter Yoga

Rugby Laughter Club November 2019

Rugby Laughter Club November 2019

Laughter Clubs

The best way to begin your Laughter Yoga journey is by joining a Laughter Club.

All you need is a willingness to take part to experience playfulness, social connection, laughter meditation, yogic breathing and relaxation.

Rugby Laughter Club meets every few weeks at the Dunchurch Park Hotel

Business, motivation and productivity

Laughter Yoga is great for staff and team days as well as public festivals and events.

Organisations all over the world introduce Laughter Yoga to their staff because of its comprehensive benefits and strong team building and stress management element.

Results of recent research indicate that employees in Laughter Yoga programmes

·       become more committed

·       learn more easily

·       improve motivation

·       improve their inter-personal skills

and overall the workplace becomes a happier, and at the same time more productive, place

Public and community Events

Laughter Yoga makes a great contribution to festivals and events either on the main stage, to bring people together, or as separate workshop sessions.

Workshops and Training

Become a Laughter Yoga Leader

Whilst Laughter Yoga might seem like something that anyone can lead, it is important to know exactly what Laughter Yoga is, what it is not, how to be safe when running a session and what standards need to be met for certification. Find out more about how to become a Laughter Yoga Leader below